
The Airport

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We are committed to a genuine policy of sustainable development, in order to control the impact of our activities on the environment. The airport operator's mission is to manage public infrastructures sustainably.

This environmental policy is part of our overall Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of the airport's activities beyond regulatory requirements.

We are committed to the following principles:

1.     Prevent and control pollution risks

2.     Continuously improve our environmental performance

3.     Comply with regulations and internal procedures

Our objectives are focused on the following areas:

1. Control and reduce energy consumption

2. Improve waste management

3. Raise awareness and communicate

4. Prevent and control risks of nuisance and pollution

5. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 in particular)

Troyes en Champgne airport is ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation) certified